Sunday, November 30, 2014

Personal Reflection on Refugee Run Simulation

On 15th November, my fellow REDbird teammates and I have participated in the Refugee Run Simulation organized by Crossroads Foundation as training. We had to live the life of a refugee for about an hour and experience the fear of those staying at refugee camps around the world. It was really eye opening and rewarding that I have decided to share it.

At the beginning, we were briefed the current situations of millions of refugees and the preparation work for the simulation – each participant would receive a new identity (including a name, age, occupation and marital status) and “remaining assets” before entering the dark simulation venue. Suddenly, the room went pitch black and armed troops began to split everyone up. Being separated with my friend, I was terrified as I scrambled to get up; some people even screamed out loud.

In the following hour, my group and I had to be in someone else’s shoes and feel what it was like to face corruption, hunger, illness, and danger at the same time. During daytime, I had to trade in our personal belongings, e.g. watches and shoes for food (only bread and little water for the whole group); at night, my group and I had to share a tent with little room. Nevertheless, none of us could actually rest peacefully. Occasionally, we heard commotion and loud shouting outside the tent but dared not to look – it was later when we discovered that someone has been shot, there was a fight or a robbery, etc. It was unsafe even though we were staying at a refugee camp.

Each of us had no income; children received no education; the injured got zero proper medical care – I just hoped that this would end quickly. Women were raped while men were often interrogated and beaten. Many times, soldiers would verbally abuse us and steal valuables and even our identity cards. Whenever I stood in line (either waiting to get food or medical care), I always stared at the floor instead of the soldiers – I did not want to get into trouble and get hollered at. I witnessed a friend being fired questions at by two soldiers; his hands were above his heads and he was kneeling on the ground facing a blank well. He was desperate to be set free but had no proof identity as it was stolen a while ago. The soldiers did not believe him and directed more questions at him. It was simply painful just to watch him struggle between two rifles.

To me, the most memorable moments were when an inspiring speaker shared touching stories of refugees. When I heard about the current situations of refugees - lacking food, protection, medical care and education opportunities, I was in shock. I truly thought that those living in refugee camps were lucky; they had armed guards day and night and stable supply of resources, right? 

The answer is no. 

Women and children who had to leave the camp daily to get firewood for cooking and warmth face the risks of being raped; men and the elderly who wanted to help them got brutally beaten and their valuables stolen. Outside the camp, there was no one who could save them. 

Inside the camp, people fought for limited resources. They had to use their few assets to trade for little food and water that could definitely not satisfy the whole family's needs; they had to be humiliated and verbally abused by soldiers and had low self-esteem; they could not attend schools and this created a problem of intergenerational poverty. 

Even if they could reach home (not without walking months and months), their houses would have been invaded or torn down. Much time is needed to rebuild a refugee's home and to mend the hole in his heart. Some people spent many years of their lives in a refugee camp in fear. They could not receive psychological care and interact with others normally. This hindered their personal growth and development and wasted their time (which is priceless). 

I have learned a lot throughout the Refugee Run Simulation. Not only am I grateful for what I have, but also I have a lot more respect for refugees. The simulation was different from what I expected – it was realistic and required much movement. For example, we had to scatter around and interact with others instead of sitting passively and getting a lecture for an hour. This allowed me to be in the shoes of a refugee, even though I knew what I experienced was only a tiny percentage of what refugees feel every day.

Before the simulation, I thought that refugees were lucky they got shelter, food and protection during the war. After the simulation, I finally understood how they suffer from illness, hunger and danger daily seriously. Every day, they have less and less faith and feel more anxious about the unpredictable future. They still have to worry about their long lost family members, their homes and their lives ahead. Refugees live in constant fear and being in a refugee camp does not guarantee them a stable and peaceful lifestyle. I thought soldiers were supposed to protect refugees and ensure their safety; instead, soldiers stole our assets to earn money and threatened us a lot. Staying at a refugee camp did not make me feel content; similar to being at war, I had a hard time expecting the unexpected and had to be alert of surrounding environment all the time.

Now, I definitely have more respect for my grandmother, who has witnessed war and faced chaos when the Japanese took over Mainland China. It is correct to say that it is not until we step into others’ shoes and walk a mile that we truly understand how they feel. I will be sure to apply this in future situations and not judge others and everything so quickly.

Furthermore, this activity has made me realize how fortunate I am. Growing up in Hong Kong, I have gained much support from my parents and lived peacefully and safely with no danger. I had no trouble receiving proper medical care, learning opportunities and adequate nutrition growing up. I have never experienced war and post-war life like refugees, who have witnessed the breaking of their families, the horror of not having sufficient resources and the wastage of time and youth waiting and hoping for nothing. After the Refugee Run Simulation, I have vowed to not take everything for granted. I ought to be grateful for what I have and cherish the resources provided to me.

In addition, this brand new experience has helped facilitate my personal growth. Besides the aforementioned increase in respect for others, I have become more accepting towards multiple views. After the simulation, there was a debriefing session in which participants from different walks of life voice out various opinions. Hearing their thoughts has widened my horizons and raised my multicultural awareness. I hope I can apply what I have learnt in the Simulation in future activities and scenarios.

All in all, this activity has strengthened my following REDbird attributes:
  • Respectful
  • Diverse
  • Innovative
  • Responsive 

Since the Refugee Run Simulation is recommended for everyone to join, I would like to direct you to the following website here: , where you will find much information about the said Refugee Run Simulation and other impactful and thought-provoking activities at Crossroads. Of course, you can apply to be a volunteer at Crossroads and help out during your leisure time. 

The REDbird Award Program has allowed me to develop myself and gain more exposure. I look forward to participating in another fruitful and educational event. At the same time, I would love to hear feedbacks from those who have joined the Simulation as well! 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Branded Bio

Born in Canada, I have been exposed to multiple cultures, mainly Chinese, Canadian and French. I have been learning French since I was young, in order to facilitate communication with locals. Since then, I have developed an interest towards learning foreign languages. Now, I am self-studying Spanish and Latin as well. One day, I hope to travel to European countries and chat with locals fluently in their native languages.

As I am interested in words and languages, I enjoy reading as well, particularly romance novels. Since I am a bookworm, it is not difficult to see me walking around with my head in an inch-thick book. Also, I write short stories. I have been doing that since junior year, when I had to transfer to another high school and have decided to write a story about my friends and my life. I hope it gets published one day.

I am a passionate person. Whenever I am interested in doing something, I give in my full efforts to strive high, no matter how much workload I need to face. When asked about what I can contribute, I can answer you my time. I do not mind offering mental and physical strength to fulfill requirements or finish a task I like. I like to devote time to volunteer and help those in need. I do not mind teaching my brother his homework. I like strolling around the park with my grandma.

Besides engaging in passive activities, I like participating in active ones too. I am skilled at playing sports. I know how to swim four styles when I was 7 years old. I have won a gold medal for Inter-School swimming galas. In addition, I play golf during my leisure time with my younger brother.

In the future, I would like to have a profession in the legal and business field. As a business freshman, I would like to expand my knowledge gaining to company laws. Who knows – maybe I will be a legal consultant at a firm or the financial department head of a law firm. With my growing interest in law, I would like to integrate both legal and business knowledge and skills.

To me, the most important value is family relationships. Growing up in a supportive environment, I often remind myself how lucky I am to have parents who guide me with their experience and at the same time, give sufficient space for me to develop my creativity and pursue interests. I am grateful for how I was raised and hope my kids feel the same about me when I become a parent. Furthermore, I respect my parents and value filial piety a lot. My parents have given me unconditional love and sacrificed time and money for my brother and I. They do not expect any return and just want the best for their children. I would take care of them whenever I can and set an example for my brother.

Speaking of my brother, we share a strong siblings bond. Even with a knowing glance or a simple gesture, we know what is going on in each other’s minds. We shared and still share countless memories together, from going on vacation in foreign countries to watching comedy movies, etc. We talk about everything and are each other’s best friend. He understands me the most and is willing to learn a lot. He is a special person and I am fortunate to have him in my life. I look forward to seeing him achieve his dreams and succeed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012






附件二的廣告上印有一個用七彩繽紛的大型花朵拼出來的照相機,代表該廣告正在宣傳與花有關的攝影活動。另外,照相機中間印有「香港花跡」四字。這不但令廣告更生動,更能吸引讀者的目光、引起他們的注意 。此外,照相機本身也是一朵花。這個設計緊扣主題,呼應著比賽的主角-花兒。






















在附件一中,主體的四個字「耆樂無窮」分別使用了綠色、粉紅色、藍色和黃色來印刷。 此外,比賽和主辦、協辦機構的名稱都分別以不同深淺色的綠色和紫色來作印刷;而內文除了小標題外是深藍色以外,全都是黑色。這可以把廣告所推廣的重要信息從白色的背景中襯托出來,廣播信息。






Wednesday, December 5, 2012

















另外,下面的小字「香港 勝在有你同ICAC」加強讀者的信心,提升他們舉報貪行動的機會。









Monday, December 3, 2012







1. 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦,是著名的物理學家思想家哲學家。他被譽為是「現代物理學之父」及二十世紀世界最重要科學家之一,為相對論E=mc²等創立者。此外,他在1905年發表了六篇劃時代的論文,分別為:《關於光的產生和轉化的一個試探性觀點》、《分子大小的新測定方法》、《基於熱分子運動論的靜止液體中懸浮粒子的運動研究》、《論動體的電動力學》、《物體的慣性同它所含的能量有關嗎?》、《布朗運動的一些檢視》。而且,他曾經獲頒發諾貝爾物理學獎、利普爾獎章、普朗克獎章;時代》雜誌更將其評選為20世紀風雲人物。

2. 高錕爵士,是有名的物理學家。高錕為光纖通訊電機工程專家。他是提出用纖維材料傳達光束訊號,以建置通信的第一人,故被譽為「光纖之父」。另外,他進一步分析了吸收散射彎曲等因素,推論被包覆的石英基玻璃有可能滿足衰減需求達到波導。這項關鍵研究結果,驅使全球各地連串運用玻璃纖維波導來通訊的研發工作,為人類打開了光導新紀元大門。為此,他獲得2009年諾貝爾物理學獎以及愛迪生電信獎馬可尼國際獎貝爾獎巴倫坦獎章利布曼獎等。

3. 黃金,是香港單車手。他曾經多次在大型單車賽事獲獎,有「香港之寶」、「單車王子」及「亞洲車神」之稱,並且獲得中國國家主席胡錦濤盛讚「你比黃金還珍貴」。他在全運會、奧運會和世界賽中都分別贏得不同獎項,更獲選為2007年香港十大傑出青年之一。

